Note: currently there are no more mobility restrictions regarding COVID-19 in Spain. Wearing a face mask is still mandatory in public transportation, hospitals, and pharmacies in 2022
Spain Lockdown Update 2021: Coronavirus Third Wave is here! After the Christmas period and the arrival of the British Covid-19 variant, new local lockdowns, rules and restrictions are appearing day after day. Some regions and municipalities are leaving “New Normal” status and going back to one of the 4-phases reopening plan.
At Oh My Good Guide, we have been closely following the Coronavirus situation in Spain, updating this article with the latest news every single day. Now, we have filtered and summarized all that info for you to have a good overview of the current COVID-19 status, lockdown easing rules and other things to know about Coronavirus Third Wave in Spain
So, let’s see how Spain reached the New Normal Phase after the first and second COVID-19 outbreak, how we are dealing now with the Coronavirus Third Wave new restrictions and what we are allowed to do.
- ➤ Spain Lockdown update: New "State of Alarm" approved until May 2021 – Mandatory curfew from 11:00 p.m. to 6 a.m.
- ➤ Spain Lockdown update: Coronavirus confirmed cases in Spain right now + map!
- ➤ Spain Lockdown update: COVID-19 Third Wave restrictions map & rules
- ➤ Spain Lockdown update: Is travel between different parts of Spain allowed?
- ➤ Spain Lockdown update – Vaccination Plan: Phases, Groups & Vaccine Rollout
- ➤ Spain "New Normal": Activities, Rules, Questions & Answers
- ➤ Obligatory use of face masks in public spaces in Spain
- ➤ Complete 4-Phases Spain Reopening Plan and Activities allowed
➤ Spain Lockdown update: New “State of Alarm” approved until May 2021 – Mandatory curfew from 11:00 p.m. to 6 a.m.
The Council of Ministers approved on November 3 an extension of the state of alarm for a period of 6 months from 00:00 hours on November 9, 2020, until 00:00 hours on May 9, 2021.
The new decree establishes the nightly confinement from eleven at night to six in the morning throughout the country, with a margin for the regions to advance or delay it one hour
The text marks a mandatory curfew for the entire country from eleven at night to six in the morning. The regional presidents will be able to advance or delay the curfew by one hour, but not eliminate it.
In addition to the night confinement, the restriction of social gatherings is established. Regions are also given the possibility to restrict the entry and exit of their territory, except for justified reasons.
Spain does not close borders. This nesw state of alarm will not be like that of March, but rather softer, in order to prevent a total lockdown like the one we lived then.
The Government has no intention of returning to the full lockdown of March 2020 but they believe, like the vast majority of the Spanish regions and other European countries, that a night confinement (which implies preventing mobility from a certain time at night except in justified cases and with police control of the streets) can reduce contagions, as currently, more than 30% of them are taking place in social gatherings in houses.
➤ Spain Lockdown update: Coronavirus confirmed cases in Spain right now + map!
As of January 13th, already immersed in the Coronavirus Third Wave, the total number of Coronavirus confirmed cases in Spain is 2.176.089 of which 52.878 are deceased according to Spanish National Health Authorities.
You can always check the most updated number of Coronavirus confirmed cases, deaths, recoveries and many interesting graphs in the official web of the Spanish Ministry of Health. Another good source is Worldometers where you can find the COVID-19 real-time situation in the World.
If you want to check out the real-time progress and distribution of COVID-19 in Spain region to region, have a look at this interactive map. This map has been created with the official data from the Spanish Ministry of Health and it’s updated daily so bookmark this post and keep an eye on it.

➤ Spain Lockdown update: COVID-19 Third Wave restrictions map & rules
Protect yourself against COVID-19: don’t forget your face mask at home!New Coronavirus outbreaks in Spain during this Third Wave are spreading differently across the Spanish territory, the new restrictions or possible lockdowns won’t be nationwide but local or regional.
A good resource if you are planning to travel across Spain, is this real-time, interactive map showing Coronavirus new restrictions in Spain due to the COVID-19 Third Wave. Just click on each region and you will get all the official lockdown rules and updates.

➤ Spain Lockdown update: Is travel between different parts of Spain allowed?

Mostly no! Now, with the arrival of Covid19 third wave, perimeter confinements of some specific regions or towns can happen, so always check the updated, interactive COVID-19 restrictions map above to be sure.
Public transportation services started offering more connections, recovering some routes that weren’t operating during the first Coronavirus Lockdown in Spain. A good choice, if you want to travel around Spain, is to make a road trip within your region with your own car or a rental one.
But still, you don’t feel like travelling for real across the country or if you had to postpone your trip to Spain because of the Coronavirus outbreak, you can join our Spain Virtual Tour. How to do that? It’s easy and free! Check our new post to discover top Spanish sights FREE virtual tours and other useful apps to virtually travel the country from the comfort of your home!
➤ Spain Lockdown update – Vaccination Plan: Phases, Groups & Vaccine Rollout

Spain has secured over 140 million double-dose vaccines. This is enough to vaccinate 80 million people which is almost double the population of the country. The government has outlined three phases of immunisation and has categorised 15 groups of citizens who will receive the vaccination over the first three quarters of 2021.
– Spain Covid19 Vaccination phases & groups
Phase One – The initial phase which will be between January and March will target around 2.5 million people prioritising staff and patients in care homes, healthcare workers and those with severe disabilities.
Phase two (April – June) and phase three (July – September) will look to vaccinate the remainder of the population.
It is still unclear at this time who will be prioritised with the second and third vaccination phases but it will probably be as it follows:
- Adults over 64 years of age (around nine million people)
- People with underlying health conditions such as obesity or diabetes
- People who live or work in closed settings or communities
- People who live in vulnerable socio-economic conditions
- Key workers
- Teachers
- Children
- Residents of areas with coronavirus outbreaks or a high incidence rate
- Pregnant women and those with nursing babies
- Immunized people who have already had Covid-19
- Teenagers, young adults and adults not included in other categories
Minister of Health Salvador Illa said that the groups cover the entire Spanish population and that a flexible decision will be made by health experts as to which group will be prioritised. More will be known as the vaccines become available at which time the strategy will be updated.
It is also possible that some of the categories could be broken down further into two separate groups including teenagers, young adults and those who are pregnant. This would extend the categories from 15 to 18.
COVID-19 vaccination is voluntary and as such, there are no current plans to make it a requirement for citizens to undertake any specific activity.
– Spain Covid19 Vaccine rollout
It was December 27 the day in which vaccinations began symbolically in Spain and in most of the European Union. By summer, 70% of the Spanish population will be immunized.
Although nowadays the initial problems with Covid19 vaccine rollout have been solved, the vaccination program had an unsuccessful start due to the Christmas Holiday period, the logistical challenge relating to the storage and transport of the Pfizer vaccine, which has to be kept at -70 C to be effective and the one-day delay in the shipment of the first batch of vaccines.
➤ Spain “New Normal”: Activities, Rules, Questions & Answers
On June 9th, the Spanish Government released the ‘New Normality’ Decree, with all the rules to follow once the State of Alarm or official Lockdown ends on the 21st of June.
In short: A social distancing of 1.5 metres needs to be kept in outdoor and indoor spaces and face masks will remain mandatory when it is not possible to maintain this distance. If you don’t comply with the “new normal” rules in Spain, you can get a 100 euro fine.
But remember: The Third Wave of Coronavirus in Spain has brought many local restrictions that can last only for 2 weeks, so always check the Spain Lockdown updated maps above!
Here we answer some of the most frequently asked questions but if you want to go more in-depth, you can check all rules, limitations and region to region specific regulations in our post about Spain New Normal phase
– Spain Lockdown update: How long will the Spain New Normal phase rules apply?
Until the Coronavirus crisis is over, so we need to be patient.
– Is there freedom of movement during Spain New Normal phase?
On June 21, 2020 the sixth and last extension of the Spanish “State of Alarm” or official Coronavirus lockdown ends, removing any restriction on movement between regions. But “new normal” can also bring some Spain lockdown updates so you should bookmark this post to check out what is happening in Spain right now, mainly in the maps above.
– How is public transport like in Spain’s “New Normality” after COVID-19?
Any public transport operator will have to adjust the supply levels to the evolution of the demand’s recovery. Interprovincial air and land transport operators must sell their tickets with a preassigned seat number.
If you are taking a train, bus or plane to another region during the “New Normality” phase, you will get a preassigned seat and the company will keep your contact info up to a minimum of 4 weeks after the trip.
This is to ensure that, in case it is necessary, they can contact you and perform a traceability of contacts study to control any possible Coronavirus outbreak.
– Are there capacity restrictions in bars, shops or entertainment in the “New Normality” Phase in Spain?
Every region has set different limits, so there might be different capacity limits in different regions of Spain during the New Normality period. For example, bars in Granada or Malaga will have the same capacity limitations, as both provinces belong to the same region (Andalusia), but their restrictions can be different from other regions’ ones, like Madrid or Catalonia.
As a general rule, most regions have set a 75% capacity limit in this kind of establishments.
➤ Obligatory use of face masks in public spaces in Spain
From May 21st, the use of face masks is compulsory in all public spaces – open and closed – where social distancing cannot be respected. The compulsory masks measure will be in force until the New Normality phase is over, this is until the Coronavirus pandemic has come to an end or a vaccine or efficient treatment is available.
Face masks must be worn in the “public street, in open-air spaces and any closed space that is for public use or that is open to the public, where it is not possible to maintain [an interpersonal] distance” of 2 meters.
The obligatory use of face masks applies to everyone over the age of six and will end once the Spain Reopening Plan is over. However, people that can’t wear masks for health reasons, respiratory problems or disability are exempt. Face masks are also not obligatory while doing heavy exercise.
Now, with more people on the streets, the risk of contagion grows so it’s essential to protect ourselves. Buy your mask now and avoid contagion or a 100 € fine!
➤ Complete 4-Phases Spain Reopening Plan and Activities allowed

These are the different 4 phases or steps in which the Spain reopening process has been divided in order to join the list of different countries reopening after flattening coronavirus curve.
The Coronavirus Reopening plan in Spain known as de-escalation, or “desescalada” in Spanish is asymmetric. The rules will be the same for everyone, but they will be implemented at different rates in each territory. The unit of measure is the province or sanitary district.
The criteria the Spanish government uses to decide with territories can change phase are the “capacity of the health system”, with special attention to the ICU pressure, the epidemiological situation in the area, the protection measures in public spaces and the mobility and socioeconomic data of said island or province.
Check the approximate dates for each Spain Reopening plan phase and what activities are allowed to reopen in each of them:
• Spain Reopening plan after Coronavirus – Phase 0: Preparation
Spain Lockdown easing – Phase 0: Dates
All Spain is already in phase 0 of the reopening procedure. Some Canary Islands (La Gomera, El Hierro and La Graciosa) and the Balearic Islands (Formentera) will have fewer restrictions as of May 4, when they will go to phase 1. The rest of the country will not reach that stage until May 10. Note that from May 4, face masks are compulsory when using public transport and strongly recommended in any other space.
Spain Lockdown easing – Phase 0: Activites allowed
- Opening of some business (only with previous appointment). Restaurants with food delivery service or hairdressers, among others.
- Individual training of federated athletes and professional leagues is allowed.
- Finally, common relief measures such as letting children go out to play for an hour, individual sports and family walks have been allowed:
Which are the schedules or fixed times, duration and distance allowed for individual sports and family walks from May 2?
Family walks (accompanied by only one person you live with) are allowed within 1 km from home, while individual sports (it could be running, cycling, swimming or even surfing, as long as it’s individual) have just one limitation: to not leave the municipality you are living in. No maximum duration has been set for these outdoor activities but we do have fixed times for them.
The schedule to follow if you are living in Spain and want to go out for exercise or walks is the following:
- From 6 am to 10 am & from 8 pm to 11 pm: individual sports and walks for adults (14 to 70 years old).
- From 10 am to 12 pm & from 7 pm to 8 pm: over 70 years and dependent people.
- From 12 pm to 7 pm: children under 14 years of age, accompanied by just one adult.
In municipalities with less than 5,000 inhabitants there are no fixed times set.
• Spain Reopening plan after Coronavirus – Phase 1: Start
Spain Lockdown easing – Phase 1: Dates
The initial phase or stage 1 of Spain reopening plan will start approximately on May 11 in the Spanish territories that have passed the 4-criteria exam, and it will last for a minimum of two weeks, until May 24.
Spain Lockdown easing – Phase 1: Activites allowed
- Mobility: possibility of moving within the same province.
- Social gatherings of up to 10 people in private spaces are allowed, respecting the physical distance. We will finally be able to see our family and friends at home, if they live in the same province.
- Stores: Activities will begin in the small shop “in conditions of strict security”, but not in large stores “where crowds are more likely”.
- Open-air markets, with distance conditions between the stalls.
- Bars and restaurants: The opening of bar and restaurant terraces at 50% of their capacity will be allowed.
- Hotels and tourist accommodation: Opening of hotels and other tourist accommodation, excluding common areas and with a preferential schedule for people over 65 years of age.
- Non-professional sport: any activities that do not involve physical contact or the use of changing rooms will be allowed.
- Professional sport: Professional athletes will have fewer restrictions since training will be authorized in professional leagues and in high-performance centres. Also, professional leagues will restart their activity.
- Cultural shows of less than 30 people indoors (with a third capacity) and less than 200 people outdoors.
- Visits to museums limited to one-third of the capacity.
- Agri-food and fishing sector: The resumption of agri-food activity that had been stopped in the decree of the state of alarm will begin.
- Places of worship: They can open with their capacity limited to one third.
- Wake: for a limited number of attendees.
• Spain Reopening plan after Coronavirus – Phase 2: Intermediate
Spain Lockdown easing – Phase 2: Dates
The intermediate phase or stage 2 of Spain reopening plan will start approximately on May 25 in the Spanish territories that have passed the 4-criteria exam, and it will last for a minimum of two weeks, until June 7.
Spain Lockdown easing – Phase 2: Activites allowed
- Opening of bars and restaurants for table service, with limited capacity.
- Trips to second residences, only if they are in the same province.
- Reopening of shopping malls, prohibiting the stay in common areas or recreational areas.
- Cinemas and theaters with a third of the capacity. You can visit monuments and exhibition halls.
- Cultural activities with less than 50 people seated indoors. If they are outdoors activities, less than 400 people seated will be allowed.
- Educational centers: The school year will start in September, but in this phase exceptions are established to reopen educational centers. They may open for reinforcement activities, to ensure that children under the age of six can go to the center if both parents have to work and to ensure the “Selectividad” exams take place, as that is a compulsory exam to access university.
- Weddings for a limited number of attendees.
- Places of worship: The capacity is limited to 50%, instead of the third of the previous phase.
- Hunting and fishing.
• Spain COVID-19 Reopening Plan – Phase 3: Advanced
Spain Lockdown easing – Phase 3: Dates
The advanced phase or stage 3 of Spain reopening plan will start approximately on June 8 in the Spanish territories that have passed the 4-criteria exam, and it will last for a minimum of two weeks, until June 21.
Spain Lockdown easing – Phase 3: Activites allowed
- In this phase “general mobility will be made more flexible” and stressed that, although it is the least restrictive, the use of masks in public transport will continue to be recommended, as in all previous phases.
- The occupation of different spaces will be generally expanded
- Stores: Capacity will be limited to 50%, with the requirement that there be a minimum distance of two meters between people.
- Bars and restaurants: capacity restrictions will decrease but always maintaining the separation conditions between clients.
- Discos and night bars with a maximum capacity of one-third of the usual.
- Opening of beaches in safety and distance conditions.
- Bullrings: with a capacity limitation that guarantees one person for every 9 square meters.
• Spain Reopening after Coronavirus – Final Phase: “New normal life”
The final phase or stage 4 of Spain reopening plan will start approximately on June 22 in those Spanish territories that have passed the 4-criteria exam. This means that at the end of June, if the Coronavirus epidemiological curve follows the same trend as until now, we will complete the reopening process and will finally be in the so-called “new normal life” or “nueva normalidad”.
What do you think of the Spanish plan to go back to “normal life”? We hope to have made the Spain Reopening Plan after flattening Coronavirus curve a bit easier to understand.
Don’t forget Oh My Good Guide team is here to help you solve any possible doubt you may have. Just leave a comment below and share your opinion and insights!
Stay safe 💚