Note: currently there are no more mobility restrictions regarding COVID-19 in Spain. Wearing a face mask is still mandatory in public transportation, hospitals, and pharmacies in 2022
Spain Lockdown Update 2021: Coronavirus Third Wave is here! After the Christmas period and the arrival of the British Covid-19 variant, new local lockdowns, rules and restrictions are appearing day after day. Some regions and municipalities are leaving “New Normal” status and going back to one of the 4-phases reopening plan.
At Oh My Good Guide, we have been closely following the Coronavirus situation in Spain, updating this article with the latest news every single day. Now, we have filtered and summarized all that info for you to have a good overview of the current COVID-19 status, lockdown easing rules and other things to know about Coronavirus Third Wave in Spain
So, let’s see how Spain reached the New Normal Phase after the first and second COVID-19 outbreak, how we are dealing now with the Coronavirus Third Wave new restrictions and what we are allowed to do.
- ➤ Spain Lockdown update: New "State of Alarm" approved until May 2021 – Mandatory curfew from 11:00 p.m. to 6 a.m.
- ➤ Spain Lockdown update: Coronavirus confirmed cases in Spain right now + map!
- ➤ Spain Lockdown update: COVID-19 Third Wave restrictions map & rules
- ➤ Spain Lockdown update: Is travel between different parts of Spain allowed?
- ➤ Spain Lockdown update – Vaccination Plan: Phases, Groups & Vaccine Rollout
- ➤ Spain "New Normal": Activities, Rules, Questions & Answers
- ➤ Obligatory use of face masks in public spaces in Spain
- ➤ Complete 4-Phases Spain Reopening Plan and Activities allowed
➤ Spain Lockdown update: New “State of Alarm” approved until May 2021 – Mandatory curfew from 11:00 p.m. to 6 a.m.
The Council of Ministers approved on November 3 an extension of the state of alarm for a period of 6 months from 00:00 hours on November 9, 2020, until 00:00 hours on May 9, 2021.
The new decree establishes the nightly confinement from eleven at night to six in the morning throughout the country, with a margin for the regions to advance or delay it one hour
The text marks a mandatory curfew for the entire country from eleven at night to six in the morning. The regional presidents will be able to advance or delay the curfew by one hour, but not eliminate it.
In addition to the night confinement, the restriction of social gatherings is established. Regions are also given the possibility to restrict the entry and exit of their territory, except for justified reasons.
Spain does not close borders. This nesw state of alarm will not be like that of March, but rather softer, in order to prevent a total lockdown like the one we lived then.
The Government has no intention of returning to the full lockdown of March 2020 but they believe, like the vast majority of the Spanish regions and other European countries, that a night confinement (which implies preventing mobility from a certain time at night except in justified cases and with police control of the streets) can reduce contagions, as currently, more than 30% of them are taking place in social gatherings in houses.
➤ Spain Lockdown update: Coronavirus confirmed cases in Spain right now + map!
As of January 13th, already immersed in the Coronavirus Third Wave, the total number of Coronavirus confirmed cases in Spain is 2.176.089 of which 52.878 are deceased according to Spanish National Health Authorities.
You can always check the most updated number of Coronavirus confirmed cases, deaths, recoveries and many interesting graphs in the official web of the Spanish Ministry of Health. Another good source is Worldometers where you can find the COVID-19 real-time situation in the World.
If you want to check out the real-time progress and distribution of COVID-19 in Spain region to region, have a look at this interactive map. This map has been created with the official data from the Spanish Ministry of Health and it’s updated daily so bookmark this post and keep an eye on it.

➤ Spain Lockdown update: COVID-19 Third Wave restrictions map & rules
Protect yourself against COVID-19: don’t forget your face mask at home!New Coronavirus outbreaks in Spain during this Third Wave are spreading differently across the Spanish territory, the new restrictions or possible lockdowns won’t be nationwide but local or regional.
A good resource if you are planning to travel across Spain, is this real-time, interactive map showing Coronavirus new restrictions in Spain due to the COVID-19 Third Wave. Just click on each region and you will get all the official lockdown rules and updates.

➤ Spain Lockdown update: Is travel between different parts of Spain allowed?

Mostly no! Now, with the arrival of Covid19 third wave, perimeter confinements of some specific regions or towns can happen, so always check the updated, interactive COVID-19 restrictions map above to be sure.
Public transportation services started offering more connections, recovering some routes that weren’t operating during the first Coronavirus Lockdown in Spain. A good choice, if you want to travel around Spain, is to make a road trip within your region with your own car or a rental one.
But still, you don’t feel like travelling for real across the country or if you had to postpone your trip to Spain because of the Coronavirus outbreak, you can join our Spain Virtual Tour. How to do that? It’s easy and free! Check our new post to discover top Spanish sights FREE virtual tours and other useful apps to virtually travel the country from the comfort of your home!
➤ Spain Lockdown update – Vaccination Plan: Phases, Groups & Vaccine Rollout

Spain has secured over 140 million double-dose vaccines. This is enough to vaccinate 80 million people which is almost double the population of the country. The government has outlined three phases of immunisation and has categorised 15 groups of citizens who will receive the vaccination over the first three quarters of 2021.
– Spain Covid19 Vaccination phases & groups
Phase One – The initial phase which will be between January and March will target around 2.5 million people prioritising staff and patients in care homes, healthcare workers and those with severe disabilities.
Phase two (April – June) and phase three (July – September) will look to vaccinate the remainder of the population.
It is still unclear at this time who will be prioritised with the second and third vaccination phases but it will probably be as it follows:
- Adults over 64 years of age (around nine million people)
- People with underlying health conditions such as obesity or diabetes
- People who live or work in closed settings or communities
- People who live in vulnerable socio-economic conditions
- Key workers
- Teachers
- Children
- Residents of areas with coronavirus outbreaks or a high incidence rate
- Pregnant women and those with nursing babies
- Immunized people who have already had Covid-19
- Teenagers, young adults and adults not included in other categories
Minister of Health Salvador Illa said that the groups cover the entire Spanish population and that a flexible decision will be made by health experts as to which group will be prioritised. More will be known as the vaccines become available at which time the strategy will be updated.
It is also possible that some of the categories could be broken down further into two separate groups including teenagers, young adults and those who are pregnant. This would extend the categories from 15 to 18.
COVID-19 vaccination is voluntary and as such, there are no current plans to make it a requirement for citizens to undertake any specific activity.
– Spain Covid19 Vaccine rollout
It was December 27 the day in which vaccinations began symbolically in Spain and in most of the European Union. By summer, 70% of the Spanish population will be immunized.
Although nowadays the initial problems with Covid19 vaccine rollout have been solved, the vaccination program had an unsuccessful start due to the Christmas Holiday period, the logistical challenge relating to the storage and transport of the Pfizer vaccine, which has to be kept at -70 C to be effective and the one-day delay in the shipment of the first batch of vaccines.
➤ Spain “New Normal”: Activities, Rules, Questions & Answers
On June 9th, the Spanish Government released the ‘New Normality’ Decree, with all the rules to follow once the State of Alarm or official Lockdown ends on the 21st of June.
In short: A social distancing of 1.5 metres needs to be kept in outdoor and indoor spaces and face masks will remain mandatory when it is not possible to maintain this distance. If you don’t comply with the “new normal” rules in Spain, you can get a 100 euro fine.
But remember: The Third Wave of Coronavirus in Spain has brought many local restrictions that can last only for 2 weeks, so always check the Spain Lockdown updated maps above!
Here we answer some of the most frequently asked questions but if you want to go more in-depth, you can check all rules, limitations and region to region specific regulations in our post about Spain New Normal phase
– Spain Lockdown update: How long will the Spain New Normal phase rules apply?
Until the Coronavirus crisis is over, so we need to be patient.
– Is there freedom of movement during Spain New Normal phase?
On June 21, 2020 the sixth and last extension of the Spanish “State of Alarm” or official Coronavirus lockdown ends, removing any restriction on movement between regions. But “new normal” can also bring some Spain lockdown updates so you should bookmark this post to check out what is happening in Spain right now, mainly in the maps above.
– How is public transport like in Spain’s “New Normality” after COVID-19?
Any public transport operator will have to adjust the supply levels to the evolution of the demand’s recovery. Interprovincial air and land transport operators must sell their tickets with a preassigned seat number.
If you are taking a train, bus or plane to another region during the “New Normality” phase, you will get a preassigned seat and the company will keep your contact info up to a minimum of 4 weeks after the trip.
This is to ensure that, in case it is necessary, they can contact you and perform a traceability of contacts study to control any possible Coronavirus outbreak.
– Are there capacity restrictions in bars, shops or entertainment in the “New Normality” Phase in Spain?
Every region has set different limits, so there might be different capacity limits in different regions of Spain during the New Normality period. For example, bars in Granada or Malaga will have the same capacity limitations, as both provinces belong to the same region (Andalusia), but their restrictions can be different from other regions’ ones, like Madrid or Catalonia.
As a general rule, most regions have set a 75% capacity limit in this kind of establishments.
➤ Obligatory use of face masks in public spaces in Spain
From May 21st, the use of face masks is compulsory in all public spaces – open and closed – where social distancing cannot be respected. The compulsory masks measure will be in force until the New Normality phase is over, this is until the Coronavirus pandemic has come to an end or a vaccine or efficient treatment is available.
Face masks must be worn in the “public street, in open-air spaces and any closed space that is for public use or that is open to the public, where it is not possible to maintain [an interpersonal] distance” of 2 meters.
The obligatory use of face masks applies to everyone over the age of six and will end once the Spain Reopening Plan is over. However, people that can’t wear masks for health reasons, respiratory problems or disability are exempt. Face masks are also not obligatory while doing heavy exercise.
Now, with more people on the streets, the risk of contagion grows so it’s essential to protect ourselves. Buy your mask now and avoid contagion or a 100 € fine!
➤ Complete 4-Phases Spain Reopening Plan and Activities allowed

These are the different 4 phases or steps in which the Spain reopening process has been divided in order to join the list of different countries reopening after flattening coronavirus curve.
The Coronavirus Reopening plan in Spain known as de-escalation, or “desescalada” in Spanish is asymmetric. The rules will be the same for everyone, but they will be implemented at different rates in each territory. The unit of measure is the province or sanitary district.
The criteria the Spanish government uses to decide with territories can change phase are the “capacity of the health system”, with special attention to the ICU pressure, the epidemiological situation in the area, the protection measures in public spaces and the mobility and socioeconomic data of said island or province.
Check the approximate dates for each Spain Reopening plan phase and what activities are allowed to reopen in each of them:
• Spain Reopening plan after Coronavirus – Phase 0: Preparation
Spain Lockdown easing – Phase 0: Dates
All Spain is already in phase 0 of the reopening procedure. Some Canary Islands (La Gomera, El Hierro and La Graciosa) and the Balearic Islands (Formentera) will have fewer restrictions as of May 4, when they will go to phase 1. The rest of the country will not reach that stage until May 10. Note that from May 4, face masks are compulsory when using public transport and strongly recommended in any other space.
Spain Lockdown easing – Phase 0: Activites allowed
- Opening of some business (only with previous appointment). Restaurants with food delivery service or hairdressers, among others.
- Individual training of federated athletes and professional leagues is allowed.
- Finally, common relief measures such as letting children go out to play for an hour, individual sports and family walks have been allowed:
Which are the schedules or fixed times, duration and distance allowed for individual sports and family walks from May 2?
Family walks (accompanied by only one person you live with) are allowed within 1 km from home, while individual sports (it could be running, cycling, swimming or even surfing, as long as it’s individual) have just one limitation: to not leave the municipality you are living in. No maximum duration has been set for these outdoor activities but we do have fixed times for them.
The schedule to follow if you are living in Spain and want to go out for exercise or walks is the following:
- From 6 am to 10 am & from 8 pm to 11 pm: individual sports and walks for adults (14 to 70 years old).
- From 10 am to 12 pm & from 7 pm to 8 pm: over 70 years and dependent people.
- From 12 pm to 7 pm: children under 14 years of age, accompanied by just one adult.
In municipalities with less than 5,000 inhabitants there are no fixed times set.
• Spain Reopening plan after Coronavirus – Phase 1: Start
Spain Lockdown easing – Phase 1: Dates
The initial phase or stage 1 of Spain reopening plan will start approximately on May 11 in the Spanish territories that have passed the 4-criteria exam, and it will last for a minimum of two weeks, until May 24.
Spain Lockdown easing – Phase 1: Activites allowed
- Mobility: possibility of moving within the same province.
- Social gatherings of up to 10 people in private spaces are allowed, respecting the physical distance. We will finally be able to see our family and friends at home, if they live in the same province.
- Stores: Activities will begin in the small shop “in conditions of strict security”, but not in large stores “where crowds are more likely”.
- Open-air markets, with distance conditions between the stalls.
- Bars and restaurants: The opening of bar and restaurant terraces at 50% of their capacity will be allowed.
- Hotels and tourist accommodation: Opening of hotels and other tourist accommodation, excluding common areas and with a preferential schedule for people over 65 years of age.
- Non-professional sport: any activities that do not involve physical contact or the use of changing rooms will be allowed.
- Professional sport: Professional athletes will have fewer restrictions since training will be authorized in professional leagues and in high-performance centres. Also, professional leagues will restart their activity.
- Cultural shows of less than 30 people indoors (with a third capacity) and less than 200 people outdoors.
- Visits to museums limited to one-third of the capacity.
- Agri-food and fishing sector: The resumption of agri-food activity that had been stopped in the decree of the state of alarm will begin.
- Places of worship: They can open with their capacity limited to one third.
- Wake: for a limited number of attendees.
• Spain Reopening plan after Coronavirus – Phase 2: Intermediate
Spain Lockdown easing – Phase 2: Dates
The intermediate phase or stage 2 of Spain reopening plan will start approximately on May 25 in the Spanish territories that have passed the 4-criteria exam, and it will last for a minimum of two weeks, until June 7.
Spain Lockdown easing – Phase 2: Activites allowed
- Opening of bars and restaurants for table service, with limited capacity.
- Trips to second residences, only if they are in the same province.
- Reopening of shopping malls, prohibiting the stay in common areas or recreational areas.
- Cinemas and theaters with a third of the capacity. You can visit monuments and exhibition halls.
- Cultural activities with less than 50 people seated indoors. If they are outdoors activities, less than 400 people seated will be allowed.
- Educational centers: The school year will start in September, but in this phase exceptions are established to reopen educational centers. They may open for reinforcement activities, to ensure that children under the age of six can go to the center if both parents have to work and to ensure the “Selectividad” exams take place, as that is a compulsory exam to access university.
- Weddings for a limited number of attendees.
- Places of worship: The capacity is limited to 50%, instead of the third of the previous phase.
- Hunting and fishing.
• Spain COVID-19 Reopening Plan – Phase 3: Advanced
Spain Lockdown easing – Phase 3: Dates
The advanced phase or stage 3 of Spain reopening plan will start approximately on June 8 in the Spanish territories that have passed the 4-criteria exam, and it will last for a minimum of two weeks, until June 21.
Spain Lockdown easing – Phase 3: Activites allowed
- In this phase “general mobility will be made more flexible” and stressed that, although it is the least restrictive, the use of masks in public transport will continue to be recommended, as in all previous phases.
- The occupation of different spaces will be generally expanded
- Stores: Capacity will be limited to 50%, with the requirement that there be a minimum distance of two meters between people.
- Bars and restaurants: capacity restrictions will decrease but always maintaining the separation conditions between clients.
- Discos and night bars with a maximum capacity of one-third of the usual.
- Opening of beaches in safety and distance conditions.
- Bullrings: with a capacity limitation that guarantees one person for every 9 square meters.
• Spain Reopening after Coronavirus – Final Phase: “New normal life”
The final phase or stage 4 of Spain reopening plan will start approximately on June 22 in those Spanish territories that have passed the 4-criteria exam. This means that at the end of June, if the Coronavirus epidemiological curve follows the same trend as until now, we will complete the reopening process and will finally be in the so-called “new normal life” or “nueva normalidad”.
What do you think of the Spanish plan to go back to “normal life”? We hope to have made the Spain Reopening Plan after flattening Coronavirus curve a bit easier to understand.
Don’t forget Oh My Good Guide team is here to help you solve any possible doubt you may have. Just leave a comment below and share your opinion and insights!
Stay safe 💚
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Hi folks, thanks for the info.
Did you know that there are only 2 PDF documents available via your 4 PDF document links? The 1st 2 links both lead to the same document “Plan-Transicion-Nueva-Normalidad-abril2020.pdf” and the last 2 links both lead to “fases-desescalada-covid19-sectores.pdf”.
Are there 2 more documents that we should see?
Warmest regards,
Hi James! Thank you very much for your comment!
We have just fixed the issue so now you can see and download all the official documents released by the Spanish Government regarding the Spain Reopening Plan.
We will keep adding to this post any updates on the plan and possible new documents released 🙂
In phase 1 can my husband and I go to supermarket together?
Hello, what does province means? We are close to Tortosa. So which province are we now: Terres de L’Ebre or Tarragona?
Thanks for a reply.
It is not clear for my wife and i when can we visit her parent’s( their home is about 10 Minutes drive) please any one have an answer for us??? Can we both drive to visit????
Hi Marios, I am afraid it’s not possible yet unless you have a force-majeure reason to visit them, for example, if they need your assistance for going out or they cannot go for groceries themselves. But once we enter in phase 1 (approx. on 11th May), social activities, such as home gatherings, are permitted, although the conditions remain to be determined.
Will marinas be open to boat owners to use
The latest BOE permits the use of recreational or sports boats between ports or points on the coast in the same municipality and nearby uninhabited islands. This will be applied in areas in Phase 0 and Phase 1, i.e. in all of Spain. In the Canary Islands, tourist passenger vessels will also be allowed to sail, but not cruise ships.
Hi can I travel to la marina from villamartin in phase 1 or 2
Sure you can, if it’s for an allowed activity, as it’s on the same province.
I live in another European country. After 11th May (I mean phase 1), would it be possible for me to fly to Spain and directly travel to my girlfriend’s house? The airport and my girlfriend’s house are in the same province, and I’ve checked that entrance to Spain from Schengen states are allowed, but still, I’m not sure whether I can take train or taxi. I’d be glad if you could help 🙂 Thanks 🙂
Hi Kevin, right now I think the most difficult part would be buying a flight that doesn’t get cancelled in the next two weeks. But if flights are available, then once you are here I think there wouldn’t be a problem if the airport is located in the same province, and you can take a taxi, which is safer. Make sure your home country doesn’t have a limitation on travelling abroad as well. Here, as you probably know, we cannot move from one province to another until we get to the “new normal life”. Hope it helps 😉
Re Kevin flying to Sspain. He maybe required to wear a face mask to get a taxi.
Am I allowed to enter Spain by air? On IATA website it’s written that I can enter Spain from Schengen states, but Spanish embassy’s website in my country says only residents and Spaniards can enter the country by “land”. So can I enter by air? To be honest, it’s a bit confusing. Please let me know if you have any experience. Thanks!
My wife and I have reservations to come to Spain for 5 weeks starting Sept 28. Our Airbnb hosts say there will be no trouble traveling and will not allow us to cancel. Will it be safe?
Hi Kevin, do you have any news with this? I have the same problem, but my girlfriend is in Madrid and I’m in London. Our plan was to move together in London, but she stucked in her room in Madrid from March. I would like to know what’s the easiest way to see each other as soon as we can. I have residency in London, but I have a hungarian passport and she has a spanish one.
Hi Peter. As far as I know, you cannot enter Spain, but probably she can enter England (although I’m not sure, you should check it on UK government’s website). However, Spain will probably let you enter from July (as they announced). That’s all I know.
Does anyone know when the playing of golf (with certain limitations e.g. no buggy sharing, no use of changing rooms etc. ) will be allowed?
It is quite possible to keep social distancing at all times whilst playing.
Golf is a significant means of exercise for many people, especially in Cost Del Sol?
Thoughts please….
Hi Clive! Golf courses could open once we enter in phase 1 (approx. on May 11), when non-professional sports that do not involve physical contact or the use of changing rooms will be allowed.
I refer to this text:” Family walks (accompanied by only one person you live with) are allowed within 1 km from home, while individual sports (it could be running, cycling, swimming or even surfing, as long as it’s individual) have just one limitation: to not leave the municipality you are living in. No maximum duration has been set for these outdoor activities but we do have fixed times for them”. And my question:
What about swimming pools inside small communities? Community I live in consists of only 2 semi-detached houses (4 families) with a swimming pool. Is it allowed to swim in such a pool? I did it today and my neighbour threatened me to call the police. Wash she right? Please respond. Thank you.
Currently use of all communal amenities is prohibited. It’s yet to be determined when such facilities will be opened. I need to know myself for our own community.
Can I drive to another town to get my hair/nails done?
If you have an appointment you can show and there is no hairdresser in your town, I think there would be no problem, but if it’s not an emergency, I would wait a bit to see how the application of the rules goes in similar cases.
Hi, I was working in Barcelona when the lockdown started. I was staying on a caravan site and was there already 4 months so I was allowed to stay. Now the job has finished and I really want to go home to the UK. I will be travelling with car and caravan and my 2 dogs. My port of departure is zeebrugge, Belgium. Will I be able to travel?
Hi Robert, there are two options: waiting until we can drive across other provinces at the end of the reopening process or calling your embassy for info about not only Spain, but also the rest of countries you need to drive through. In Spain, your travel can be considered as returning to your primary residence and they have allowed everyone to do this, even when we were on full lockdown 🙂
Hi I read up on it you have to have papers to travel in French Spanish and Catalan and if you have a English address you can travel back but go to the local police station and ask for a certificate to travel back home.
What qualifies as a municipality we live in a small village of approx 3000 people administered
by the local town four miles away but have our own local tiny town hall but there doesn’t appear to be any mention of small villages or for that matter dog walking. Am I looking in the wrong place
Municipalities in Spain are the basic level of Spanish local government. Normally, if your small town belongs to a bigger municipality, you need to stick to that bigger municipalities rules. If the town you live has its own city hall and it’s declared as municipality, then you won’t have to stick to the fixed schedules. Anyway, for dog walking, you can still go out anytime, but keeping the walks to the minimum if it’s not the “assigned time” for family walks yet. You can see how many people are living in your municipality in the INE (Instituto Nacional de Estadística)
Hi. When phase one starts on the 11 of May and I live in Moraira, will I be able to use my push bike to cycle to Jávea, Denia ?
I live in la Campello, Alicante My sister has cancer will be going for operation in middle june ,will l be able to travel to her in Santerdar
Wonderful thank you – where can we swim if not in polls and the beaches are closed? I live on a very quiet part of a small town on the coast with a long promenade with places to slip in and out of the sea – is that ok?
Hi, thanks for the easy to follow information, I guess this question arises quite often. What phase will I be allowed to river fish please in the Alicante region
Many thanks. Pete.
Hi Peter, once Alicante enters in phase 2, providing that you are living in that province, you will be allowed to go fishing
When the phase 1starts and bars etc are opening will the restriction on over 70s only being allowed out 10-12 and7-8 still be in force or will we be able to visit bars etc out of these hours
Hi John,
Unfortunately, I can’t give you a definitive answer as those conditions are yet to be determined. They will be made public along the following week so once they announce them, we will add them to this post, where we will be updating the different definitive measure for each phase.
Hi, thank you for all the information. I live just outside Rafol d’ Almunia which only has about 700 people residing there, my husband and I are both over 70 and would like to travel in our car together , when will that be possible please, my son lives in Moraira and we would love to see him and our grand daughter and daughter in law.
From the start of phase 0, two people per each row of seats are allowed, provided that they use masks, respect the maximum possible distance between the occupants and live in the same house. From 10th May, social meetings up to 10 people are allowed, but they apparently need to be inside the same municipality. If Moraira and Rafol d’Almunia belong to the same municipality you can visit them from May 11th, if not, you have to wait until phase 1.
Pingback: ▷ Spain Virtual Tours: A free online travel to Spain top cities & sights on VR
Hello there! Thank you so much for that guide. Really helpful!
However I have a question as one thing isn’t very clear… Maybe you can help me out 🙂
When you say “we will be able to travel in different parts of Spain by end of May when we’ll be in the new normal phase”, assuming that it goes as planed, does that mean we will be able to travel in different provinces when in Phase 4 (so from June 22nd on) or does that mean we’ll be able to only AFTER phase 4 (so early july) ?
Oops sorry I said “May” but I meant June at the beginning of my question
Phase 4 has no end because that is the “new normal”. The idea is to gradually recover freedom of movement in each phase, but without moving between provinces until the de-escalation ends at the end of June (approx. on 22nd), except for work or extraordinary situations. Remember from phase 1, you will be allowed to move within your own province, but for the rest, we’ll have to wait until 22nd June if everything goes as planned
Hi! Thanks for the information. I wanted to know is it possible to travel from an airport to a town in the same province during phase 0? or still, I’d need an important “reason” considering I’m not Spanish? Thank you very much!
You need an important reason during phase 0 even if you are Spanish for any movement, but if you are coming from the airport to your town, you are allowed to do it. Just make sure to carry with you some documentation that proves it
we are stranded here in Sotogrande in a rental and this is Cadiz province.We found a house to buy,but we need to see it first and the house is in Estepona.Just a 20 minute drive,but in another province.Can I go if I get a paper with the appointment from the realtor??
It would be allowed to change province if you need to work or have any “force-majeure” reason, but I wouldn’t risk to do it especially in phase 0. If you got an appointment within the province it would be allowed from phase 1, which in Cadiz will be soon. But I am afraid Malaga province will stay in phase 0 for other two weeks, so try to arrange a virtual visit if possible.
Our builder needs to come to our house to complete some minor works, ( replace old patio doors and put up a couple of Toldos. ) When do you think he would be allowed to start? (He lives in the same municipality)
He can start now. There are no restrictions in phase 0 for repairs, renovation work, etc.
I’m Swedish, live in London, and have a full time job waiting for me in Spain as web developer. Job contract exists.
I have a NIE there since some years and social security number but have not lived in Barcelona in recent years.
Spanish Embassy suggested that with papers showing employment and NIE/Security number I should possibly be allowed access.
What is your take on that as of todays date, 6th of May?
I definitely think you will have no problems as everybody is allowed to go to work. Good luck in your new Spanish life! 🙂
When likely is international flights going to resume
Within Europe there are currently flights to most capitals. Paris and Frankfurt airports private transits without issues.
I was living in Spain at my mums, I was employed and was registered on the Padrón, my partner was also living with me and on the Padrón but both of us had not yet applied for residency, we came back to the UK to visit when Spain went into lock down and our flights back were cancelled. Since then I lost my job due to it having to close, and have been stuck in the UK. What are the chances of us being allowed back to Spain where we still have all of our belongings etc. In June? It says that I need residency on the UK gov website and being on the Padrón and proof of my job wouldn’t be enough?
We are planning on visiting Barcelona from the United States. Are we allowed into the country during any of the phases?
Hi, So now in phase 0 with shops and restaurants (for take away) allowed to open does that mean we can therefore go out anytime to use their services?
Also when we enter phase 1 we are allowed to leave the municipality, so at this point can we go and practice sport eg. Surfing in another municipality within the same province or island? And can this be done at anytime or will the timed slots for age groups going out still exist?
If you can reach the service walking, I recommend doing it during the fixed times. But you can actually use these services anytime, inside your municipality if possible 🙂
Thank you, could you also please comment on the second part of the question about driving to do activities in other municipalities please
As I said, if possible, do that activity in your own municipality. If it’s a service you cannot find in your municipality, you can drive to the next one. Otherwise, if police stop you, it would be difficult to convince them.
I live in Lanzarote. Fuerteventura and Gran Canaria are in the same province but as each are islands does that mean each one now becomes it’s own province and therefore travel between the islands is prohibited until travel between provinces is allowed or can I move between islands in phase 1?
You won’t be allowed to move, even if the island is officially on the same province, from a place phase 1 to another one that is in phase 2. Once both places are on phase 1, you can move inside your province
Thank you for a very detailed guide! Could you please answer a couple of questions?
1) What is the difference between “moving within the same province” and “Trips to second residences, only if they are in the same province”?
2) Does “moving within the same province” mean I can get into my car and go into the mountains in the same province, just for a walk? Or what do they mean by this “moving”?
With best regards,
2) Does “moving within the same province” mean I can get into my car and go into the mountains in the same province, just for a walk? Or what do they mean by this “moving”?
I think this simply means that mobility is allowed without restriction to distance and duration as long as you don’t leave your province. You can use your car, walk, cycle, use public transport etc.
What does this in Phase 1 actually mean?
Mobility: possibility of moving within the same province.
As long as I follow social distancing etc, etc, am I able to move freely throughout a province or not?
And in the case of the Valencia region, am I able to move freely within those health zones that have been moved to Phase 1 and not the health zones that haven’t, namely Valencia, Alicante, Elche, and Castellon?
Can you tell me if Estepona has reached Phase 1 yet please?
A few question after starting Phase 1
1) Can more than one person from a household now go shopping together?
2) Can we go to a restaurant any time during the day?
Opening shops and restaurants does not make any sence if you can only go there during the walk time slots.
I have a boat in Campoamor and I live in Ciudad Quesada. As from 11th May. Will myself and my husband be able to drive to the boat to check on it.
One thing is unclear to us. When we are in phase 1, if we wanted to go walking in one of the parks (which can only really be driven to), can we do that. Clearly we can walk at our home, but are we allowed to drive (for example) to a national park.
I am unclear on whether it means that only for essential journeys, such as going to a pharmacist. So, for example, if we just wanted to go for a drive, could we?
Actually now you can drive within your area if you are in phase 1, but you should say you are going to visit your friends for example because that is an allowed activity. Now we have included in the article a quite long part answering all questions about CANs and CAN’ts of Phase 1. Have a look 🙂 You can also drive to a National Park for Nature tourism.
Hello there!
Thank you so much for all the information in English! SO helpful! My husband and I own a condo in Xeresa near Gandia. We have had two trips canceled from the Netherlands to go there and check on our house. My husband is a Dutch citizen and I American, but also have Belgian residence card. We live in Belgium for his work. Are we allowed to come to Spain to check on our house. We have a vacation planned in July and it’s not clear if they will ole for people to come to Spain. Is it possible to fly or drive there? Thank you in advance!
They will probably allow you, as in July, if everything goes well, we will be in the “new normal” and the reopening procedure should have finished.
Thanks for all the great info, I’ve found out more on here than any other website so far.
Me & my Partner are currently in Morzine in the Haute Savoie province of France (Now classified as a Green Zone) & our Winter season work contracts have finished.
We are hoping to move to Cala de Mijas in the Malaga province of Spain to live with a friend until we find our own long term rental accommodation, We have NIE numbers already as we lived in Tenerife for 6 years before moving on
It is very unclear if are able to do this currently or which Phase is required to enable us to make the Journey by Air or Land.
We could isolate at friends as he has a partner he could stay with if necessary.
Any information would be much appreciated!!
Keep up the great work on the page & stay safe.
Many Thanks
If you can get a direct flight to Malaga it would be the best option. Malaga is still in phase 0, so I would wait for phase 1 at least, as it’s the one that hotels are reopening. You will be required to isolate for 14 days if you arrive here and the “State of Alarm” is still on.
The link was very useful. Am from India. came to spain last december. We are staying Pamplona, Navarra. we had our NIE card appointment on March 23- 2020. Which got canceled due to lock down. But now it’s not clear from the announcement when the appointment will start again. Any clarity on this, please share
Good Evening! We live in Tenerife and we are wondering at what stage will it be allowed to walk with our dogs in nature/in the mountains further away than 1 km but within the same province?
Kind Regards
Magnus and Ann
I think if you are now in phase one, you can already do it, as “nature tourism” is allowed in that phase
Hi there, thanks for the information shared on this site, it is very useful.
I am currently in Mallorca, and have been here since before lock down began. I am staying at a family second home. However, I am a student in Barcelona and am currently a resident there. Am I able to return to Barcelona via air/ferry in order to get back to my place or residence?
Thanks in advance
Hi, we live in Granada and are hoping to go to Phase 1 next week. The information you have given here is great but, I still have a question. To drive out of our village we have to cross over the Malaga border. Out nearest supermarket is 15 kilometres away but is Malaga region. The nearest in our province is more than twice the distance. I had originally read somewhere that you could cross into another province if it was for food or essentials or for something you were unable to get in your own province. Could you advise if this is correct please. Thank you in advance.
Yes, you are right. Everyone is allowed to cross provinces for work or a justified reason. However as there is another supermarket inside your province, I am not sure if it’s most important to “go buy in your closest supermarket” or “stay in your province”. I’d rather do the second, just because I don’t want to be dealing with police if they stopped me.
Hi…big thanks for the guide. We are in Malaga going to Phase 1 on Monday. On/from then can we drive to the coast 7km away within Malaga province to exercise? Neil
I am a handyman and do DIY jobs in the Marbella area, can I now visit my customers and fix their ‘little problems’.
I think so. Remember to always keep a proof that you are going to work with you and that’s all.
I’m in the Uk but building a house in Benahavis, through a local builder. I work in computing, and would like to install various smart home items into my home. Can you offer some advice on when I might be able to go?
I am 77. Has the confinement to my house been lifted, can I go out any time of the day?
Hi David, you must still respect the assigned schedules for sport and walk assigned to your age range. For the rest of allowed activities, like going to the supermarket, go to a little shop or to a bar terrace if you live in an area that is already in phase 1, you can go whenever they are open.
I was wondering because no-one is saying, how long does anyone expect the new normal to last?
When will bars restaurants and hotels etc be able to operate at full capacity again, or is this is, from now and going forward with no more plans to return to the way of life that we have been used to?
I know a lot of restaurant and bar owners and 50% while better than nothing at all is not sustainable unless a doubling of prices is put into place. Fronting the normal fixed costs with only 50% revenue coming in if the locals operate at maximum the whole time will still see lots of businesses closing because they are unable to stay afloat.
Is there any guide on the length of time that the new normal will be in place? Are there even any comments from government that it is only going to be temporary? If it is temporary, what are the conditions that will need to be met in order to lift the restrictions completely?
Thank you for any light you can shed on this
That’s a question that nobody can answer with accuracy at the moment. However, the “new normal” will be with us probably until a vaccine is found or we have achieved “group immunity”. That doesn’t mean that bars will be at 50% of its capacity all the time, it means that we will need to get used to respecting some social distancing rules, wear face masks and wash our hands often.
The biggest restrictions are expected to end on the beginning of July, but you can find further info about this in the general Spain reopening plan documents provided in the official docs paragraph of this blog.
I have a house in Almeria (non resident) but work in the Netherlands and wondered when flights will be openly available. Driving is also a possibility, will the borders be open to travel freely?
I have a builder ready to make some improvements to my apartment that is currently unoccupied, the work has been on hold during the lockdown. In which phase is he allowed to start work?
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Hi we have a ferry booked on the 16th June
From the UK to Spain to travel to our holiday home in Mazarrón will this be possible thanks.
When will the US Embassy be open to get a Visa for a foreign exchange program? Any idea how long it will take to get a Visa issued? Thank you
Is it correct that recreational boat trips and sailing is still not allowed until ‘the new normal’ in phase 4 ? Are we sure that on July 1st all provinces will reach phase 4?
On July 1st, if some provinces haven’t reached New Normal, the Government will create safe corridors to move between provinces that are already in the new normal phase. However, I really believe that for July 1st, the whole of Spain will reach the New Normal status.
As of 01 July, how many people will be allowed to travel together in one car?
As we are in the new normal phase, the rules that apply don’t set a limit to this. However, all passengers in a car must wear a mask.
Can multiple families (tourists) share a holiday villa??
What are the current rules on multiple households sharing accommodation?
There are no fixed rules that I know, but to keep the cleaning as exhaustive as possible.
Can multiple households share a villa
Yes, there is no problem with that.
Hi guys,
If we are sharing a household during our stay in Malaga, do we become ‘one household’ during our time in Spain and therefore do not need to wear a face mask in the house?
Exactly, you are allowed to do it and you become a household. There are no current rules or restrictions for that.
Are 12 people From different households allowed to meet for drinks In the garden of one persons home ?
Sure, they are. The only thing is that, if they are in Murcia, Cataluña, Baleares, Extremadura, Andalucía, Aragón, La Rioja, Andalucía or Asturias, they should be wearing face masks while they are not drinking.
Are my family from the UK allowed to come and stay with us for a holiday.
Sure they are allowed. Hope you have a wonderful holiday together 🙂
Is an outdoor party of 50 people allowed with tables 1.5m apart, masks to use the loos and hand sanitisers, at a private house in the Valencian region?
If it’s in a private space, at this moment it is allowed